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Organic Cotton

The Seed of Life Course

A Consciousness Awakening Program

Facilitated by Jane  & Kassidy




Wake Up, Homie


the seed of life, consciousness awakening, sacred geometry, christ consciousness
the seed of life, consciousness awakening, sacred geometry, christ consciousness
the seed of life, consciousness awakening, sacred geometry, christ consciousness
Plant Box

C. R. Rhoad Island

My journey with The Seed Of Life Course, guided by the incredible Jane and Kassidy, has been nothing short of miraculous. Just four weeks in, and I've encountered profound shifts in my understanding of reality. The course illuminated the hidden sources behind pain and discomfort, teaching me that relief can be almost instantaneous when approached correctly. Jane and Kassidy expertly reveal tools that, though available to all, remain largely unknown. Their insights and teachings have opened my mind, bringing an unparalleled clarity that I hadn't experienced before.

This course isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's a journey of transformation, suitable for both beginners and experts in personal development. Its impact is immediate and deeply profound. If you're seeking a shift in your perception and a new approach to life's challenges, The Seed Of Life Course is an indispensable experience. Jane and Kassidy don't just teach; they enlighten, making this the best course I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Don't wait – the journey to an enlightened, pain-free, and open-minded existence starts here.

White Sheet

Okay, what are you doing here?

Inspiring a Conscious & Fulfilling Human Experience

You know that one friend you can always count on to explore the depths of your consciousness and emotionality within the experience of your human-ness? You know, the one who, through mutual curiosity, non-judgement, and openness - you discover you're having amazing conversations about the root cause of some emotion or memory that was triggered and they help you "unpack that" and then the next subject jumps into the "awe-struckedness" you've found yourself in at the beauty of the world, with nature, the mountains, the wind, and the bees that pollinate the flowers that you keep forgetting to smell.


That's kind of what we're offering.


A run on (and on and on) sentence packed with a deep sounding board, rooted in awareness of the oneness that everyone and everything is with a deep burning desire (and power) to help you grow into everything and anything you want to grow into - or from.


We are, The Seed of Life - a "course" for how to get there.


How to unpack the humanness that has already taken place in your life in order to bring into awareness where you have been in relation to where you want to go; and then how to get there. Where do you truly, deeply, on your souls life path (if you're into that kind of thing) want to go - where, is in the highest good for that part of you to go? Our course is a combobulation of seemingly unrelated but totally related systems and processes that unfold by YOU taking the time to learn the tools to put into your tool kit so you can work on you and grow you.


This is like self care on steroids. 



In Sacred Geometry, The Seed of Life is a structure symbolizing the interconnection of all life on Earth and within the Universe.  Life commands recognition and awareness that in every element of existence, you see that we are all One, that the entire universe is made up of the same quantum particulates as everything else (your body, that animal, those rocks, that ant). Jane & Kassidy take that thought and push all that effulgent energy into a teeny tiny little mustard seed of faith and pop it your way. Under God, everything, everyone, all the time - are One.


Let's shine as One

 with Love

under God.


Founded by our devoted and visionary spiritual leaders Kassidy & Jane, in 2023, The Seed of Life has grown into an impactful Consciousness Awakening Program &  exploration playground for those that are connected with the highest good and curious about the Divine Flow of Life. We emphasize truth, integrity, authenticity and transparency,  in everything we do. Pioneering on consciousness, we are constantly choosing growth, choosing truth, choosing the highest good.



We invite you to learn more about how you can ignite your Spirit and grow with a reverence into the best version of yourself.


Are you willing to Devote yourself to yourself?








Green Suede


Jane & Kassidy are spiritual facilitators, leveraging tools, techniques, and academic works to help you heal and grow.. They take a "whole person" approach to facilitating growth, this means that, while each of our services can be entirely independent, the year-long program provides overlap and development, leading to deeper and deeper discovery about what each individual needs on their journey. We cultivate sacred space in each session, allowing the Field of Consciousness to flow in high vibration. From an in-depth full year program (that includes all you see below), to individualized and brief sessions, we bring the world various healing avenues, guidance driven from experience Wisdom, and Truth. Allow your curious Spirit to guide you, ask questions (our numbers are listed below).

When you clear the unnecessary clutter that is in the way, you allow your Spirit to step into the potentiality that it is and really start fulfilling your life.  Your Spirit is stronger and not distracted when it doesn't have to upkeep the basic necessities of being human and can focus on bringing about your highest good..





Evaluation Sessions

Explore what it is we're doing here and learn a few avenues that may "un-stuck" you in your growth. From an evaluation session, we will guide you to awareness and clarity around the identified goals in your life.


Our "unique-to-you" evaluations are designed to bring you inner peace & knowing, and open within you a sacred and safe space for your deep transformation. 


General Evaluations might take the shape of the below paths:


  • Consciousness Evaluation

  • General Evaluation & Emotional Growth Conversation

  • Divine Spiritual Path Evaluation

  • Spiritual Guidance

  • Shadow Work (chasing the Ego)


Healing Sessions


Spiritual Facilitation Program

Our healing sessions instigate a rise in your consciousness calibration in order for you to expand your awareness and foster spiritual growth. We combine decades of experience, powerful healing energy and a little (a lottle) bit of sunshine to create a unique and transformative experience.


Healing sessions can take the form of any of the below, but will be unique to your goals, preferences, and the unfolding of your experience. Join us and foster Balance and Peace in your life.​​



  • Energy Clearing & Healing

  • Deep Chakra Clearing & Healing

  • Grounding & Protecting

  • Emotional-Nutritional Counseling

  • Nutritional Counseling

  • Angel Readings (Psychic, Sacred Geometry, White Numen, Past Life)

  • Prayer 

  • Meditation

  • Mediumship

  • Lemurian Healing


This course is designed to help you wake up, homie. To get your head out of the matrix and into the clouds.  Through the aforementioned sessions we provide a sacred space for accountability, lectures, and bi-weekly workshops - we will bring into awareness your shadow & begin to heal and integrate this into your human experience. Spark your spirit and build Faith, reach for your Higher Self.

Through this course, you will learn energetic tools and techniques to create a profound and lasting transformation in your life.

Through interactive exercises and teachings from experienced facilitators & buckets full of sunshine, you will gain the skills and support necessary to help you on your journey of spiritual enlightenment. Unlock your true potential and become the person you were destined to be.


Goal: graduate with a head full of Peace, a heart full of Bliss,  a life filled with Happiness, and a new path illuminated.


  • One Year Online Course with 4 month and one year financial commitment options

    • $2,500/Trimester 

    • $6,550/Year​




We understand that this is an expansive concept and might seem foreign, scary, and even woo-woo. We invite you to call us....anytime... our phone numbers are listed below.  Ask us all your questions about any of the above and allow us the opportunity to share with you - first conversation is on us.

Pleated Fabric

Our Causes

What We Do

Amitabha Stupa & Peace Park, Buddist Stupa, Sedona Arizona,

God & Higher Power

We put God first - The Highest Good, Collective Consciousness, Creator.


Know where your Power comes from.

Truth & Authenticity

Each Spirit has a complete and total Truth. It is your duty to yourself & your Higher Power,  to live aligned with this Truth.


The Truth will set you free.

Loving Kindness

Metta, the practice of loving kindness, brings us to a state of Wisdom which allows us to share it with others. 


Live in a perpetual state of Peace & Bliss.

Do Your Part

We believe that there is no singular answer—every little bit of love & kindness given to others helps when it comes to making an impact. Act in truth and integrity and all will flow.


As this journey unfolds, we will be your guides, but you will do the work as you walk your path.

Organic Cotton

Get in Touch - give us a call to learn more!

Sedona, AZ






Thank you for reaching out! Please let us know what kind of experience you are interested in. We will be in touch shortly!

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